Friday, March 4, 2011

Winthrop Prep -- 2.10 -- Unfaithful

An old proverb says a Sunday well-spent brings a week of content. Whoever said that clearly never spent a Sunday with the Winthrop Prep gang. While most Sundays involved sitting on a church pew followed by beer and a football game, the Winthrop Prep kids’ Sunday involved the three commandments they don’t teach in Sunday school – Thou shalt lie, thou shalt blackmail and thou shalt commit adultery.

Alison Roberts sat outside, working on art therapy. Dr. Masters’ orders. They’d made much progress over the past while. She seemed to think Alison was ready to venture out into the world on her own now. That scared her more than anything.  

Almost anything.

Bianca Bishop sat down with her.

Bianca: Can we talk?

Alison: Sure.

Bianca: I need to say something to you and it’s not going to be easy. I’m – you know that word you use when you did something wrong and you want the other person to know you feel bad about it?

Alison: Sorry?

Bianca: Yeah, that one. I’m that.
Alison: You’re apologizing to me?

Bianca: When my integration happened I had to face a lot of ugly truths about myself, about the things I did while I was sick and the things I did before I broke again. And, one of those things I had to accept was my responsibility for what’s happened to you.

Alison: This isn’t your fault.

Bianca: I killed your father. He was an awful man who did something horrible to me, but I understand why you didn’t want to believe that. I found out something about Ted recently, something that should have made me question how I see him. But, it didn’t. He did this terrible thing and I loved him anyway, I excused it away because he’s mine. I’m not saying that what you did was okay, because it isn’t. But, I can’t sit here and say that if someone took Ted from me, I wouldn’t go off the deep end, too, even if he deserved it.

Alison: Bianca, I was so consumed with my pain, I thought if I punished you, it would somehow change things. My Mom would get better, my father would come back, my life would go back to normal. I was so messed up.

Bianca: I can relate. Pain makes us do irrational things. I split into another person to escape my own pain.

Alison: And, now I have no one. 
My mom is dead, my father and my fantasies of who he was are dead and Jasper – we both know where he belongs.

Bianca: No one deserves to spend their lives alone and miserable, not even you, Alison. I’m not going to spend my life holding on to how much pain you’ve caused me, and I hope you can let go of how much pain I caused you and be happy. I hope you can get out of here and find someone who loves you unconditionally, like Jasper loves me.

Alison: Thank you. 

And, with that, hell froze over.

Meanwhile, back at Dalton Hall, Rebecca Turner was frustrated. Her surgery went well, the doctors said. So, why couldn’t she see? She crashed into Sam coming out of the kitchen.

Rebecca: Sorry.

Sam: No problem. Nice glasses, Stevie Wonder.

Rebecca: My sister’s idea. She says I have dead fish stare.

Sam: Any change?

Rebecca: I can see this teeny tiny pinprick of light and that’s it. The doctor wants me to give myself time to heal from the surgery, I’m just getting impatient. I want to see Noel.

Sam thought to himself she might not want to see the side of Noel he saw the other day, but he kept that to himself.

Rebecca’s phone went off.

Rebecca: Hello?

Voice: Hello, Rebecca.

Rebecca: It’s him. What do you want?

Voice: Friendly reminder. My money by eight PM or I send the video of you to the police.

Sam: Tell him we have it, ask where the drop off is.

Rebecca: I have your money. Where’s the drop off?

Voice: Warehouse on Camden Point. Tell your seeing eye dog to come alone.

Rebecca: You’re not going to pay him off, are you?

Sam: I said I’d take care of it. Just, don’t worry, okay?

Rebecca: Thank you, Sam. 

Bianca and Jasper sat in the lounge, watching television. Bianca knew they were going to have to have this conversation eventually, but she’d hoped to avoid it as long as possible. With Dr. Masters talking about releasing her, she knew she could delay the inevitable no longer.

Bianca: I need to tell you something, about the things I did when I was Layla.

Jasper: I don’t need to hear it –

Bianca: But, I need to say it. For my own peace of mind. Jasper, there were other guys. A lot of other guys.

Jasper: I know. Layla said something about it.
Bianca: How does that make you feel?

Jasper: I won’t say that the thought of some other guy with his hands on you doesn’t make me furious, but I have no room to judge you. You know my history. But, I need to ask – is there a part of you that doesn’t want me?

Bianca: Jasper, I love you.

Jasper: That’s not what I asked. You can love someone and not trust them.
Bianca: There’s a part of me that is afraid of getting hurt and that keeps me from fully trusting anyone, not just you. It’s a part of me I haven’t fixed yet, but I’m working on it.

Jasper: What about Lucas?

Bianca: I remember how I felt about him when I was Layla. I remember feeling hopeful and respected and genuinely wanted for something more than sex. And, I remember that I was falling in love with him. But, 
all of that is residual. It’s no different than what you felt for Alison before you remembered me. 

Jasper: Because, I’m not so sure it died. I don’t love you like I thought I did, but I don’t hate you like I want to, either. And, I hate myself for it. Every time I think about a happy time with you, I feel like I’m cheating on Bianca.

Jasper: Okay. Let’s have lunch. I’m starving.  

Bianca: Are we okay?

Jasper: Yeah.

In her room, Rebecca got ready for a nap. 

Rebecca: You don’t have to stay here with me. It’s your spring break. You should be off doing whatever normal, sighted teenagers do.

Denise: I’m here because I want to be. Besides, I kind of like it here. I might stick around.

Rebecca: I can’t see you. Are you making serious face right now?

Denise: Oh yeah. What do you say? Want your kid sister around next year? 


Upstairs, Noel went to Franklin. He’d heard from the others that Franklin was leaving, but he didn’t really think it was true. Not until he opened the door and saw all the boxes, the sum of Franklin’s years at Winthrop Prep packed away and posted with shipping orders.

Noel: You’re really leaving?

Franklin: Yeah.

Noel: Hard to imagine this place without you.

Franklin: It’s time. Bianca’s better, nothing’s keeping me.

Noel: What about your classes? It’s the middle of the semester.

Franklin: Beth set it up so I could finish the year online, submit my assignments electronically.

Noel: Oh. I see. Well, I hope everything works out for you.

Franklin: Thank you. I hope everything works out for you, too.

Noel hugged him. Just an innocent hug between friends. Right? If that was the case, why did he hold on so long? Could he have been savoring the sensation of Franklin’s body against his one last time? He felt the warmth of Franklin’s skin, smelled the scent of his herbal shampoo, and before Noel knew it he surrendered to impulse one last time.

At the edge of dark, Sam went to the warehouse. He didn’t know what he’d find, just that he wanted it over with. He wanted Rebecca safe and Grant gone and their lives to go back to normal. Or, whatever normal passed for with them.

He put down the money, hid in the corner and waited. If Grant thought he’d get through this without a confrontation, he had another thing coming.

Bianca was getting ready for bed when Dr. Masters told her she had a visitor. She’d hoped it would be Jasper, that the uneasiness of the day would be gone. Instead, it was only Lucas.

Bianca: Hi.

Lucas: Hey.

Bianca: Do you need something?

Lucas: Yes. You.

Bianca: Lucas, we’ve been over this.

Lucas: I know. I know, but I had to see if maybe, since you’re integrated now and you remember, part of you wants me. You have 
Layla’s memories now, right?

Bianca: I do have her memories. But, I don’t want you like she did. My love for Jasper is too strong for whatever residual feelings I have for you to overcome it. I’m sorry. I hope you find someone who can love you and make you happy.

Lucas: You do. You love me, I know it. You’re just afraid.

Bianca: I don’t love you.


Lucas: Layla does. Layla, if you’re still in there, if you can hear me –

Bianca: Please, stop.

Lucas: You love me. You can’t turn off your feelings. I can make you remember, I know I can.

He kissed her. Despite Bianca’s protests, he pulled her to him and pressed his lips against hers.

Jasper came back to Dr. Masters’ house, intent on apologizing to Bianca. He’d been a dick to her all day, though he’d tried not to be. There was always this nagging worry in the back of his mind that maybe he wasn’t enough, maybe –

Jasper stopped cold in his tracks. He saw her with Lucas. Kissing Lucas. The earth opened up under his feet. He’d been right to worry. She’d made her decision.

He slipped back into the shadows, unnoticed and unwilling to watch Bianca kiss her lover.

Bianca shoved Lucas away.

Bianca: You son of a bitch.

Lucas: What?

Bianca: Do you not remember how I got in this situation? Because some douche bag thought it was okay to force himself on me. I’ve tried to be nice to you, to spare your feelings, but -- seriously? You think I would pick you over Jasper? That man is the reason I breathe, Lucas! He believed in me at my darkest moment, he gave me strength when I had none and he loved me all the 
pieces of me I didn’t think anyone could. I would be a damn fool to give that up for you.

Lucas: But, what about our time together?

Bianca: It was five minutes compared to my time with Jasper! You fed me burnt marshmallows and sung to me off key. You’re lucky I didn’t shove you off a balcony for that cheap ass date. Now, I’m going to go upstairs and I am going to put on a slinky negligee and light some candles and when Jasper comes back to see me, I am going to make love to him. Because I love him. Get that through your thick skull and stop stalking me.

Bianca went inside and slammed the door in his face.

Grant showed up to pick up the money at 8:30. He kept the lookout, to make sure Sam’s car wasn’t around. Sam had been anticipating that move; he’d parked a mile away in the woods.

Sam: Not so fast.

Grant: Sam? What are you doing here?

Sam: Don’t even try to play dumb. We both know why I’m here and why you’re here.

Grant: I don’t know what –

Sam: Save it. Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to take your money, you’re going to pay off whoever it is you owe, you’re going to fax in a letter of resignation and you’re going to leave town.

Grant: You don’t understand. I had no choice. My girlfriend’s father is keeping my daughter from me.

Sam: You have a kid?

Grant: Sort of. My brother, he was involved with Brian Drake’s sister. He got her pregnant, I said I’d look out for her when he went overseas to serve in the army. But, he died. I fell in love with her. I didn’t think I had a shot in hell until recently. Turns out, she loves me, too. She wants me to raise Eloise with her.

Sam: So, you blackmailed a blind girl to get money to build your family? How noble of you.

Grant: No. Some guy gave Ariel a lot of money, enough to pay off her bills, buy a house – she was looking so forward to that. I thought I could take her money to the track and double it. But, I lost. I knew she would hate me, so I went to her father and he agreed to loan me the money. I thought I could win enough to pay him back, but I couldn’t. He was threatening to tell Ariel everything, I needed the money however I could get it. Then, I came home to find Brian dead and Rebecca standing over him and – I know it was wrong, but I had no choice.

Sam: Then you’ll understand when I tell you this – if I ever so much as suspect a stray thought about Rebecca has crossed your mind, I’ll give you a personal tour of Brian Drake’s final resting place. Now, get out of my sight while you can still walk.

Alison felt strange being free. Nowhere to go, no one to be with. There was only one thing left to do, to return to the last place she’d been happy and try to make peace.

She was surprised to walk in and find Jasper there.

Alison: What are you doing here?

Jasper: Last place where anything made sense. I’d intended to just drive by and look at it, but I saw the rental sign outside, realized it hadn’t been leased yet. Locks still work with my old key.

Alison: I don’t understand. Why aren’t you with Bianca?

Jasper: Bianca doesn’t want me. She’s made up her mind who she wants and it’s Lucas.

Alison: I don’t believe that.

Jasper: It’s true. I saw them together, out there on the porch, kissing.

Alison: I’m sorry.

Jasper: Don’t be. I should’ve known. What an idiot I was, thinking about forever and how I wanted a family with her. How could I ever expect her to want me like that?

Alison: Jasper, you’re an exceptional man. I’ve seen the change in you. I’m so sorry.

Jasper: I kept hoping she was right, that we could overcome what happened when we were apart, but we can’t. Now, I have nothing left.

Alison: That isn’t true.

Jasper: Maybe it isn’t.

Alison: Jasper, I didn’t mean – I’m leaving town tomorrow. I only came here in hopes of making peace.

Jasper: Can you give me tonight?

Rebecca overslept. She hadn’t meant to, but between the meds and her general exhaustion, she couldn’t help it. When she opened her eyes, she strained to adjust to the darkness. Denise was gone, maybe she went to sleep in one of the other rooms.

She reached for the lamp. Brightness flooded the room. Everything looked the same –

Rebecca jumped up. She could see! Things were still blurry, but she could see! She raced off to find Noel.

Alison and Jasper hurried out of their clothes on the way to the bedroom. She wanted him so bad, more than she’d ever wanted anyone. And, now he wanted her. Free of the lies and the amnesia and the pretending. He knew who he was, who she was and most importantly who Bianca was – and still they were here.

He took her to the bed and held her, touched her, spent the next hour pleasuring her. And, when it was done, when he’d turned off to sleep, she gathered her things and slipped away, into the night because she couldn’t bear saying goodbye.

Rebecca went to Noel’s room, but didn’t find him there. She had no idea where he could be, unless maybe he’d gone upstairs to say goodbye to Franklin.

She let herself into Franklin’s room...

Rebecca’s heart sank into her stomach and she ran away.

Noel: This isn’t what it looks like.

Rebecca: Really? Because it looks like you hooked up with Franklin.

Noel: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to –

Rebecca: So, what? It was an accident? You accidentally had sex with Franklin?

Noel: Please, just let me explain.

Rebecca: There is no explaining! I can see, Noel. I got my sight back and now, I wish I were still blind.

Jasper woke to seven messages from Bianca on his cell. Come over tonight, she had something important to tell him. Alison had taken off, not that he blamed her. He’d probably do the same after he got this over with, after Bianca let him down easy or whatever she was going to do when he got there.

He didn’t expect the candles or the nightie. God, she looked beautiful and he couldn’t stand thinking he’d never hold her again, that Lucas would be the one holding her.

Jasper: Get it over with.

Bianca: What?

Jasper: Whatever you’re going to say. Just get it over with.

Bianca: Okay. I love you. And, I know things are strained between us, but I’m committed to making us stronger.

Jasper: What?


Bianca: Did you expect me to say something else?

Jasper: I know about you and Lucas.

Bianca: Lucas?

Jasper: I saw you. Kissing him.

Bianca: No, Jasper. You misunderstand. He kissed me, he thought I would revert to Layla or something, but I told him he’s in my memory, but it’s you who’s in my 
heart. It’s you I want. Don’t you see? You’re everything to me. I love you more than life itself and it scares the hell out of me, but I wouldn’t trade you for anyone.

Jasper saw it in her eyes. It was true. He’d been mistaken. She hadn’t chosen Lucas at all – and he’d done the one thing he knew she could never forgive by sleeping with Alison.

Bianca: Jasper, say something. Please.

Jasper: I love you. God, Binx, I never wanted to hurt you.

Bianca: You haven’t. Just say you’re willing to help me fix us and that’s all I need.

Jasper: Things have happened, I’ve done things –

Bianca: We’ve both done things we aren’t proud of. All that matters is what’s ahead of us and that we love each other enough to work for it. Relationships aren’t easy, but I’m not giving up on you. I’m going to marry you someday, Jasper Mancini. I’m going to give you babies in twenty or thirty years when I no longer have use for this awesome figure and you're too old and impotent to get a younger woman. I’m going to sit by your side in an old folks home, knitting hats for you to wear because you’re bald and I don’t want you to catch cold.

Jasper: You don’t know how much I want that, except the part about me losing my hair.

Bianca: Then let’s just put the past where it belongs. Tonight is a new beginning for us.

Jasper: You’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever known.

Bianca: Then, stop talking and make love to me.

Jasper did. He took her in his arms and spent the hours between midnight and morning worshiping Bianca and her body. And, though she fell asleep content, inside his body a war waged. She would never forgive him if she knew. He would just have to make sure she never found out.

Poor Jasper. Didn’t he know secrets always came out – especially where Binx was concerned?


San Cristian Island, 3 Weeks Later

Ben Tanner made lunch for himself and his BFF as she read the daily news.  He'd wanted her to see an article written about this Bishop girl who lived on the mainland.

Ben: Don’t you think it’s a little weird? I mean, there’s this girl in Sunset Valley who sees dead bodies that disappear only to reappear later, has her boyfriend bombed only to have him come back from the dead with amnesia playing house with her arch-nemesis, develops a split personality, runs around for three months, gets her head back
together only to be then hit by a stolen car driven by her presumed-dead boyfriend, undergoes integration therapy and is now healthy? Then, on top of all of that…

Ben: …she looks just like you?


  1. :O (in creepy movie voice) She's back!! Why must you leave these cliffhangers >:0 Nice update!

  2. *falls off chair in shock*
    Okay, that was unexpected 0.0

    And poor Rebecca :(

