Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winthrop Prep -- 2.07 -- An Affair to Forget

As far as loony bins went, Bianca Bishop’s new digs were much, much nicer than the Reynolds Center. She’d thought her only option for rehabilitation would be over a hundred miles away from her family and her back-from-the-dead honey, until this mysterious Dr. Matthews swooped in and saved her. Though, she probably would have accepted psychological counseling from Gary Busey if it meant staying in Sunset Valley.

Dr. Masters: This is our downstairs reading room.

Bianca: Your house is amazing.

Dr. Masters: I’ve spent a lot of time and money turning this place into a suitable alternative for young women with mental disorders, like yourself.

Bianca: I’m so glad you contacted my parents. We didn’t even know about this start-up. I thought I’d have to go to Twinbrook to get treatment, 
since the Reynolds Center won’t take me back.

Dr. Masters: I have a vested interest in your wellbeing, Bianca. Come, let’s finish the tour.

Dr. Masters showed Bianca into the adjoining room.

Dr. Masters: And, this is our lounge. There’s a television, a gaming system. Oh, look. There’s the other young lady I’m treating.

Bianca: Oh, hell no.

Alison: Hey, Bianca.

Hope Doc Masters has a contingency plan for fatal catfights.

Meanwhile, on the campus of Winthrop Prep, Noel was perplexed when he answered the door to find his parents standing on the front stoop. Did they know he kissed Franklin? They had to know. His mother had some weird conservative woman radar for boy-on-boy action. Were they going to send him away again? Maybe Alaska this time. Alaska’s Palin country. They shoot gays there, right? 

Noel: Mom? Dad?

Aurelia: Noel, darling! Oh, he looks so handsome, doesn’t he, Nathaniel?

Nathaniel: Spitting image of his old man. Thirty years ago.

Noel: What are you guys doing here?

Aurelia: We came for the debut of your room. Did we miss the ceremony?

Noel: Actually, you did. It was an hour ago.

Aurelia: I told you we should have taken an earlier flight, Nathaniel.

Nathaniel: Can you show it to us now?

Noel: Um…sure, I guess.

Things weren’t any less awkward at the hospital when Ted Bishop and the ex-Mrs. Bishop ran into each other in the corridor outside of Beth’s chemo treatment room.

Ted: Hey.

Rachel: Hey.

Ted: Nice weather we’re having, huh?

Rachel: Yeah, warm, for February.

Ted: Have you spoken to Bianca since we left her with Dr. Masters?

Rachel: No, I haven’t. Have you?

Ted: No.

Rachel: We can’t do this, Ted.

Ted: Do what?

Rachel: The small talk thing.

Ted: At least we’re speaking. It’s more than we’ve done for the past week.

Rachel: What are we going to do? Bianca noticed how tense things were with us and it’s only a matter of time before Beth notices we can’t 
stand being in the same room.

Ted: I – I don’t know. I feel ashamed.

Rachel: So do I.

Ted: Beth is so good to me. Everything I have faced, she has stood by my side, held my hand, been my rock. I wouldn’t have survived Bianca’s disappearance if it hadn’t been for her. And, how do I repay that? By having sex with my ex-wife in a car in a hospital parking lot, like 
we’re a couple of teenagers or something.

Rachel: It was our grief speaking. We were caught up in everything that was going on with our daughter. It’s not like we planned it, and it’s never going to happen again. So, no one needs to know.

Ted: I can’t keep lying to her.

Rachel: She’s so sick, Ted. You’ve seen her. Some days, she can’t even get out of bed. What if she doesn’t have the strength to cope with what we did?

Ted: Is that the only reason you want to keep the truth from her?

Rachel: No. Beth and I, ever since she started treatment, we’ve become close. She’s kind of my friend and I don’t want to lose her. I finally feel like I’m getting my life in order. I’m working on things with Bianca, I’ve got a friend…I don’t want to lose that all because of a stupid mistake.


Ted: Okay. That night, everything that happened before Bianca woke up, stays between us.

Rachel: No one ever has to know.

Oh, old people. You’d think they’d figure out that secrets always come out – in the ugliest, most public way possible.

Their kid, however, had no problem airing her dirty laundry to whoever would listen.

Bianca: First, she stalked me, then she took my boyfriend – which is fine, in retrospect, because I totally upgraded – and, if that weren’t bad enough, she made me think my second boyfriend got blown to Kibbles n’ Bits.

Alison: I was in a bad place.

Bianca: Like that’s any excuse!

Alison: You killed my father!

Bianca: Your father raped me! Hello, split personality?

Dr. Master: Girls, please. I was well aware of your history when I brought you here.

Alison: You were?

Bianca: Then, why did you?

Dr. Masters: Because, I believe that the two of you are integral to the other’s healing. When, I petitioned the court to allow me to treat Alison’s psychiatric needs in lieu of sending her to prison, I quickly 
realized that her damage stems from her father’s death. She has deep remorse for what she did to you, Bianca, and I believe that, until you have dealt with your own issues with Alison, you’re not going to be able to recuperate, either.

Alison: I just want to get better, Bianca.

Bianca: Fine.

Dr. Masters: Excellent!

Bianca: My other personality knows how to carve a shiv from three dozen various household objects. I’d lock your door at night, sweetie, if I were you.

Bianca: Let the healing begin!

Noel didn’t know how they managed to do it. He’d been so confident when he turned in his sketches, but now that his parents were here, especially his perfectionist mother, he was second-guessing everything.

Noel: It’s not all finished. The chairs for the chess table haven’t come in yet.

Aurelia: Noel, it’s fabulous.

Nathaniel: How did you come up with it?

Noel: Well, Dalton House is a mixture of personalities, and so I thought our lounge should reflect that. The color scheme, the carpet and the walls are red, because it’s the favorite color of one of my friends
who isn’t well right now. The piano is for Rebecca, she loves to play, though she hasn’t much since she lost her sight. The arcade games are for Sam, the aquarium for me. The television and gaming console are for Franklin…

Franklin, who he kissed in the hospital waiting room.

Nathaniel: Son?

Noel: Sorry, I lost my train of thought. Anyway, that’s the story behind the design. I put an easel in the alcove for Jane, even though she’s no longer with us, and I’ve been brainstorming something to put in for Jasper, since he’s back from the dead and all. Maybe a stripper pole…

Nathaniel: Strange school you insisted we send our son to, Aurelia.

Noel: Do you guys want lunch?

Nathaniel: Sure.

Aurelia: You two go on ahead. I’ll catch up. I want to speak to Rebecca.

Noel: Mom…

Aurelia: A friendly chat is all. Just because she’s no longer your girlfriend doesn’t mean I’m going to harbor ill will towards the girl.

Poor Rebecca didn’t even see the ambush coming.

Rebecca: Mrs. Redding?

Aurelia: Rebecca, how are you?

Rebecca: I’m alright.

Aurelia: I spoke with your parents a few days ago. They said you’re going to see a specialist in Bridgeport the day after tomorrow?

Rebecca: Yes. He believes he can do surgery that may restore my vision.

Aurelia: I hope so. Then, maybe when you’re over this little hissy fit, you can get back together with my son.

Rebecca: Hissy fit?

Aurelia: That’s what this is, isn’t it? You’re throwing a tantrum because you can’t see anymore, so you want to make everyone who loves you as miserable as you are. That’s why you broke up with Noel, had sex with that – that blond moppet.

Rebecca: You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Aurelia: I know my son is heartbroken, and I know he loves you. I also know that he has certain choice behaviors I would rather he not revisit. It would be in his best interest and yours if you got back together. Good day.

But, Rebecca knew she couldn’t get back together with him. Her mystery caller had been strangely silent ever since the breakup, but she knew in her gut, she hadn’t heard the last from whoever it was. And, until she discovered who it was, she couldn’t endanger Noel, as much as it was killing her to be without him.

Rachel went in to visit with Beth when she was done with treatment.

Rachel: Hey, you look good.

Beth: I’m bald, ten pounds underweight and haven’t kept my food down in over a week. How can I possibly look good?

Rachel: Well, you look better than you did yesterday, which was like death warmed over. Maybe it’s because you’re not in that ratty robe.

Beth: Thanks for bringing me regular clothes.

Rachel: No problem.

Beth: So, want to tell me what’s going on with you and my fiancé?

Rachel: Nothing. I think we’re just both exhausted. And, we’re trying to present a united front for Bianca.

Beth: Okay. How is she?

Rachel: Good. We got her settled in at Dr. Masters’ earlier.

For such a skillful liar, Rachel’s poker face was failing her. Lucky for her, Beth was way too sick to notice.

Bianca settled in for a session with Dr. Masters. She was nervous, but she knew as soon as she began the integration process, the sooner she could get back to her life.

Dr. Masters: Have some tea.

Bianca: Thank you.

Dr. Masters: I have to ask about the headbands –

Bianca: Sorry, I know I’ve been a little annoying about getting them back. The nurses in the hospital wouldn’t let me wear them, because of the staples.

Dr. Masters: Why do you like headbands so much?

Bianca: Because, they’re fabulous? Blair Waldorf approves of them and all!

Dr. Masters: Bianca…

Bianca: I know, I know. Open and honest. Okay, um, my sister, Layla, when we were little girls, we used to wear them. It was the only way people could tell us apart. Hers was pink and mine was red. Sometimes, in school, we would switch headbands and pretend to be each other, just to 
screw with our friends and our teachers’ heads. Headbands were our thing and, when I’m wearing one, I – I don’t know, it sounds silly, but I think maybe she’s wherever she is in the great beyond wearing hers, too.

Dr. Masters: That doesn’t sound silly at all. You had a great bond with your sister.

Bianca: Yeah, and it was more than the twin connection. We were best friends. She always had my back. Always.
Dr. Masters: That’s why you fashioned your defense mechanism after her, isn’t it?

Bianca: Yes.

Dr. Masters: I’d like to speak with the Layla that’s in your head.

Bianca: I haven’t heard from her since the accident. Maybe the part of my brain that got mushed was where she lived.
Dr. Masters: Let’s just try an exercise. I want you to go back to the night Pete Summers attacked you.

Bianca: Okay.

Dr. Masters: What do you see?

Bianca: I’m in my room. We’re arguing.

Dr. Masters: Keep going.

Bianca: He’s grabbing me, he’s – he’s ripping my clothes – I don’t want to think about this.

Dr. Masters: Please, Bianca.

Bianca: He’s on top of me and he’s whispering in my ear how pretty I am and he’s – he’s not alone. There’s another girl standing near the bed. She looks like me. The other me tells me to close my eyes and it’ll all be over.

Dr. Masters: Close your eyes, Bianca.

Dr. Masters watched as Bianca’s entire demeanor shifted, and she knew she was no longer with Bianca.

Layla: Hi, Doc.

Dr. Masters: Layla, I presume?

Layla: Live and in living color.

Dr. Masters: Do you know why you’re here? 

Layla: To critique your crappy taste in paintings? Yellow flowers?

Dr. Masters: No, you’re here because we need to begin the integrating process.

Dr. Masters stood to go get more tea. While Dr. Masters’ back was turned, Layla grabbed the flowerpot from the table and smashed it over her head.

Layla: Sorry, but I have to get back to Lucas.

She made it as far as the front door.

Jasper: Bianca?

Layla: Great. I mean, hi, Jasper!

Jasper: Are you okay? I thought you’d be in with Dr. Masters for another forty-five minutes?

Layla: Finished early. I’m super healing. In fact, she said I could go take a walk, which I was on my way to do.

Jasper: I’ll go with you.

Layla: No! I have to do it alone to reflect on Layla and how evil she is. You know, Layla bad, Bianca good.
Jasper: Who do you think you’re fooling? You think I don’t know my girlfriend?

Layla: Where’s a flowerpot when you need one?

Jasper: Bianca, sweetheart, I know you’re in there –

Layla: She’s taking a siesta right now. Try back never.

Jasper: You’re not needed anymore. She turned to you because she was 
vulnerable. She thought I was dead and my father attacked her. But, I’m here now and she is surrounded by people who love her.

Layla: Yeah, nothing says I love you like attempted vehicular manslaughter.

Jasper: That was an accident.

Layla: That’s what they all say when they hurt her! It was an accident, you had it coming, it was your fault. You’re just like them. She trusts you, she puts her faith in you and then, 
what do you do? You spend three months shacked up with the enemy all because you had “amnesia” or whatever and run her over with a car. Do you know how much pain she’s in? And, not just her busted head and ribs. Her heart aches when she looks at you.

Jasper: Why?

Layla: Because, she doesn’t remember, but she knows deep down the things she did when we were gone.

Jasper: I don’t understand.

Layla: Bianca is me. I am Bianca. You cut a slice of cheese in half, it’s still cheese. And, when I was out, I was with so many guys.

Jasper: You were?

Layla: Mm-hmm. I did things to them that would make even you blush. I’m Bianca’s uninhibited side. You inhibit. You bind her into this schloppy, monogamous sandpit. She feels trapped. So, she let me out and I had 
fun for her. There was this one time at this sex club in Baltimore –

Jasper: Stop it.

Layla: Aww, can’t take knowing this body’s had some mileage put on it since you’ve been gone?

Jasper: Whatever Bianca did while I was gone, I can forgive her for. No, I don’t need to forgive her. She was sick. And, even if she weren’t, I have no room to judge given the number of girls I was with before her, most of 
whom I was with because I couldn’t 
have her.

Layla: What?

Jasper: I love her. 

Layla: Stop it.

Jasper: I love you, Bianca.

Layla: Stop!

Jasper: Come on back to me, honey.

Bianca: Jasper? How did I get 
Jasper: I had the pleasure of meeting Layla.

Bianca: What did she do?

Jasper: She tried to escape.

Bianca: And, you stopped her?

Jasper: I told you, I’m never letting you go again. And, I want you to know when you’re in therapy, don’t be afraid to remember. I’m here waiting for you and there is nothing 
you can say or do to change that. Nothing.

Bianca: I love you so much.

Jasper: I love you, too, sweetheart.

After lunch, Noel and his parents returned to the new lounge.

Aurelia: Do you still play?

Noel: I haven’t since Christmas, and not much before then. Let’s see if I can remember – ah, here we go.

He played his heart out, taking slight pleasure in the fact that they did not know what he was playing and liked it anyway. If only they knew it was the goddess Gaga’s “Love Game.” He wasn’t singing along, but just knew if he had been, his mother would’ve passed out cold at the “disco stick” part.

He’d just hit the chorus when someone threw the door open.

Franklin: That’s it! I can’t stand this tension anymore. Noel, we have to talk about the kiss –

Franklin stopped when he saw Noel’s parents.

Franklin: … Concert. From 1978. Which we are far too young to remember and I’m going to be leaving now. Bye.

Aurelia: Wait a second, young man. You’re Franklin Winters, correct?

Franklin: Yes.

Noel wondered how cold it really got in Alaska. Maybe he could get an overcoat in a nice Kevlar.

Aurelia: I heard about you. Oh, the nightmare your family must be going through.

Noel: Mom!

Aurelia: Your parents are such nice people. Do you really have to embarrass them like this?

Franklin: I’m going to go. Noel, we’re going to see Bianca in a while. Are you coming?

Noel: I’ll go see her tomorrow.

Franklin stormed out. Noel felt terrible for him.

Noel: Mom, you didn’t have to be so mean to him.

Aurelia: I petitioned the school to remove him from Dalton House when I found out about him, but that new headmistress refused to hear my complaint. After all, we sent you to this school to remove you from that bad element.

Noel: He isn’t Curtis.

Aurelia: Oh, don’t even say that boy’s name!
Noel: Mom, please, I don’t want to fight with you.

Aurelia: You’re such a bright boy, Noel. I simply want you to have a good future, a lucrative career, a nice wife, and children. I want grandchildren, Noel. That lifestyle is detrimental to everything I want for you.

Noel: Curtis is in the past and Franklin isn’t slipping special gay powder into my morning orange juice. Okay? Let’s just drop it.

Alison went outside to think. It was peaceful there, by the fountains, but she was starting to question if she deserved any peace.

Jasper: Alison.

Alison: Jasper? How are you?

Jasper: I remember everything.

Alison: I know.

Jasper: And, I hate you.

Alison: I know that, too.

Jasper: What I feel for you – felt … it was a lie.
Alison: A fantasy that I couldn’t live in forever. I told you that you would feel this way when your memory came back. I’m just glad we didn’t go any farther than we did.

Jasper: A small blessing.

Bianca: Dr. Masters is going to be fine. She just wanted an ice pack. Oh, it’s you.

Alison: I’m glad the two of you are back together.

Bianca: Nothing can keep us apart for long, least of all you, Skank Barbie. I made lunch, are you hungry?

Jasper: Actually, Bianca, I need a few more minutes here. In private. There are some things Alison and I need to settle.

Bianca: Oh, okay. See you in the kitchen.

Jasper: We need to get straight what you are and aren’t going to tell Bianca.

While Jasper and his most-regretted old flame conspired, Ted hoped to keep his infidelity from coming out. If only he realized it was written all over his face, just as it had been with Rachel.

Ted: I brought lunch, it’s in your room if you’re – not even a little hungry, are you?

Beth: No. Sorry.

Ted: It’s okay.

Beth: I need to tell you something, Ted. I’ve made a decision I’m not sure you’re going to like very much.

Later that evening, Dr. Masters walked Bianca to her room.

Bianca: Again, I’m super sorry about the flowerpot.

Dr. Masters: I made a rookie mistake turning my back on Layla, especially given what she did to those guards at the Reynolds Center.

Bianca: So, you’re not going to throw me out?

Dr. Masters: No. There’s a surprise waiting for you and your friend in the library. Why don’t you go see what it is and we’ll talk again in the morning.

Bianca: Jasper, look! Our friends love us!


Rebecca: I’m blind, not deaf, Bianca.

Bianca: Sorry.

Rebecca: Noel was going to come with us, but –


Bianca: But, you’re with Sam now and it would’ve been mega-awkward?

Rebecca: I was going to say but his parents are here and he’s having dinner with them, but, yeah, that too.

Jasper: Hey.

Sam: Hey.

Jasper: Dude, come here.

Sam: I’ve missed you, man.

Jasper: I’ve missed you, too.

After the Dalton House kids talked and caught up, Jasper was called away. Sam and Rebecca left too, needing to be back on campus by curfew. Before they left, Bianca took Franklin to show him her room – and grill him for much needed information.

Franklin: So, how are you?

Bianca: Fine. What are you hiding from me?

Franklin: Hiding? I’m not hiding –

Bianca: Don’t make me tickle it out of you.

Franklin: Noel kissed me.

Bianca: Noel did what?

Franklin: Kissed? His lips and my lips were all mushed up together –

Bianca: I know you’re kind of new to this gay thing, honey, but you’re kissing all the wrong people. Straight boys, comatose girls…

Franklin: Again, I point out that he kissed me.

Bianca: How does that make you feel?

Franklin: Weird. I mean, he’s Noel. I never got a gay vibe off of him. And, there’s no debating that he’s in love with Rebecca…

Bianca: Maybe he’s bi. I mean, maybe he likes both the Rebeccas and the Franklins. It makes sense. He does know the words to every song Lady Gaga ever recorded.

Franklin: I don’t know. But, I’m sure it was a one time thing that will never, ever happen again.

Bianca: That’s what I said the first time I slept with Jasper. Look how that turned out. Now he’s my freaking soul mate.

Jasper was a bit confused about why Beth was calling him to the hospital, but he went anyway. She said it was urgent. He met her in the waiting room just inside the entrance.

Jasper: Hey, what’s going on?

Beth: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just have some papers I need you to sign.

Jasper: Papers? I don’t understand.

Beth: Adoption papers. I would like to legally adopt you.

Jasper: Why?

Beth: For two reasons. First, you’re seventeen, but you’re still a minor in 
the eyes of the law. Now, you can get emancipated, you certainly have that option, but I’m betting that you don’t know the first thing about managing the estate your father left for you or most of the hassles young adults ease into as they become adults.

Jasper: Second?

Beth: Bianca made me do it.

Jasper: I appreciate you wanting to help me –

Beth: Jasper, I’m not looking to take your parents’ place. I don’t even intend for you to look at me as a parental figure. But, you need someone to help you to get back in school and settle Roger’s estate and, Bianca and I both care about you. I’m in a position to help you, be your friend. Please let me. Bianca’s taught me a few things about extortion. Don’t make me play the cancer card.

Jasper: Where do I sign?

Franklin decided the best way to vent his frustrations was to exercise. A lot. 

Noel: Hey, got a minute?

Franklin: Working on my abs. Shirtless Wonder’s been giving me some muscle-building tips.

Noel: Please?

Franklin: Fine.

Noel: I just wanted to apologize for my mother. She’s – she’s very set in her ways.

Franklin: It’s alright. I’m used to it. She didn’t say anything that my father hasn’t said.

Noel: You’re right that we do need to talk about the kiss.

Franklin: No, we don’t. It didn’t happen –
Noel: It did. And, it’s not the first time I’ve kissed a boy. His name was Curtis, we were friends back home.

Franklin: Your boyfriend?

Noel: No. Neither of us thought of ourselves as gay, we just liked to fool around with each other sometimes. Making out, a little mutual stimulation, but no sex, because that’d mean we were gay. My mom walked in and caught us one afternoon. I tried to explain it away, but she wouldn’t listen and the next thing I knew, I was getting sent off to Winthrop Prep, far, far away from Curtis.
Franklin: I’m sorry.

Noel: I’m not. I met Rebecca. I love Rebecca. I love her body and how it feels pressed against mine, I love her smile and her laugh and that she couldn’t sing on key if she tried. I love that she replaces the tittles over her lowercase J’s and I’s with hearts. I love everything about her. But, that doesn’t change the fact that I’m attracted to you, too. And, if I’m being honest, I have been for a while.

Franklin: So, what does that mean?

Noel: I don’t know. I just wanted you to know why I kissed you at the hospital. It was an impulse.

Franklin: Alright.

Noel: But, it won’t happen again.

Franklin: Because you’re not gay. Got it.

Noel: So long as we’re both understood.

Noel: Watch your elbow.

Franklin: That’s not my elbow.

Noel: Oh…

While Noel found a friend with benefits, Bianca snuggled with the guy who had her heart, mind, body and soul. She’d tried to get a few benefits of her own out of it, but Jasper refused. He’d told her when her mind and body were all healed up, he’d do things to her she couldn’t even pronounce, but, until then, they were strictly snuggle buddies.

Bianca: Long day.

Jasper: Eventful. I met your other personality, got adopted and had a PB&J all in one day.

Bianca:  Beth will take good care of you.

Jasper: I like Beth. She’ll be a good mom-proxy.

Bianca: But, she’s not your mom.

Jasper: My dad killed her.

Bianca: What?

Jasper: He told me about it the night of the explosion, when he confessed to killing Cynthia. Apparently, she was seeing someone else.

Bianca: I’m sorry.

Jasper: It’s okay. I barely remember her. After they transferred you to Sunset Valley hospital, I went to her gravesite. There was a man there, he said he used to know my mom, before my dad. His name was 
Harry. He told me a little about her, it gave me some peace.

Bianca: I’m glad. I’m sorry I took your father away.

Jasper: He was an awful man. Part of me is glad he’s dead. I probably would have killed him myself for trying to hurt you.

Bianca: But, he was still your only living family.

Jasper: You’re all the family I need, Binx.

Outside, Dr. Masters watched Bianca and Jasper. Her cell phone vibrated in her pocket and she answered, never once taking her eyes off of the young lovers.

Dr. Masters: I told you I would call you when I had an update on the girls’ progress.

Mr. Holloway: You’re playing with fire, Milicent. They’re going to find out why you’re really in Sunset Valley.

Dr. Masters: You let me worry about controlling the situation here and you control the situation there.

Mr. Holloway: Lucas found the dossier on Bianca, recognized her picture as his friend Layla. He’s coming there.

Dr. Masters: No, you have to stop him. I’m not ready yet. I haven’t fixed things for Jasper --

Mr. Holloway: It’s too late. He jumped a train before I even knew he was gone. Milicent, you need to prepare yourself. Your sons are about to meet, whether you want them to or not.